Is it normal for dogs to lose teeth?

Make Yourself Knowledgeable
2 min readJun 19, 2024


It’s possible that you, as a pet parent, never give much thought to your dog’s tooth loss. Dogs can, however, experience tooth loss, which occasionally raises questions.

Do dogs go through tooth loss?

Indeed. Like human beings, puppies get an array of baby teeth that will eventually fall out. Because their baby teeth are sharp and pointed, many owners call them “needle teeth”. While the loss of one’s baby teeth was a typical stage of puppy growth, older canines losing teeth might be a reason for concern. Learn more about puppy teething, including when it occurs and what to anticipate, by visiting this page.

An elderly dog’s tooth fell out. How ought one to proceed?

Make sure to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian if your elderly dog has recently lost a tooth. Having the tooth on hand can assist your veterinarian in determining whether the tooth has been extracted or if there might be some root left under the gum line, though it is not necessary. This is more frequent if there has been oral trauma leading to tooth loss. Periodontal disease is one of the additional causes of tooth loss. Look out for any further unusual signs. This will enable your veterinarian to promptly take action if there’s any indication that the dog has pain, in addition to helping them comprehend the circumstances behind the tooth loss.

Why are the teeth on my senior dog falling out?

If you have noticed that your dog is missing a few teeth and it is not the consequence of an injury or dental extraction, it may be suffering from a canine dental ailment. The gum tissue that surrounds teeth can become inflamed or infected, which is the root cause of many gum illnesses. The bone that encircles the tooth’s root may also be impacted by this. This is one of the most prevalent conditions affecting adult canines and is known as periodontal disease. Read More…



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