Breeds of Dogs That Drool a Lot

Make Yourself Knowledgeable
3 min readOct 11, 2022

Breeds of dogs tend to drool more frequently than others. Large, jowly cheeks and lips — places where a lot of saliva can gather — are frequently found in dogs who drool a lot. Some people might think that this improves the dog’s personality. Others claim that the worst case scenario is having to clean up globs of dog slobber every day. This is why it’s so important to understand what dog breeds count as excessive drooling in dogs.

1 — Bloodhound

These large, slobbery canines were initially bred for hunting, tracking deer and wild boar. Police departments have utilized them for many years with considerable success to track down wanted offenders or locate missing persons. The Bloodhound is well-known for its personality, love of kids, and ability to get along with other dogs. It is also known to drool a lot.

2 — Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard

The Swiss Alps gave rise to these gentle giants with jowly faces. Despite their imposing stature, St. Bernards become loving, caring, and devoted friends. They can also be wonderful with kids. These dogs perform better in colder settings than they do in hotter ones. In an effort to stay cool during hot weather, you may notice that they drool even more.

3 — Bulldog

Drooling is a notorious trait of bulldogs. Fortunately, bulldog fans and owners never seem to mind; it’s just one of the things that makes them special and adorable. The enormous underbite of this breed is the reason why they drool so much, claims Daily Treat. The natural trajectory for salivation when your mouth is open is straight down your chin.

4 — Newfoundland

Few other dog breeds can slobber as much as Newfoundland can, but because of how lovable and compassionate they are, they can get away with it. The Newfoundland breed is one of the best buddies you will ever have if you can tolerate all of the additional slobber. They are the kind of dog that remains entirely dedicated to its owner.

5 — Neapolitan Mastiff

Given that they are hardy, strong dogs that enjoy protecting their own territory, Neapolitan Mastiffs don’t seem to be the biggest slobberers. Given that they are designed to be guard dogs, many owners are shocked by the volume of slobber they create. If you choose to bring a Neapolitan Mastiff home, you may want to spend the time and money on purchasing plastic furniture covers so that you are not forced to sit in drool puddles. Read More…



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