10 Fun Facts About Pigeons

Make Yourself Knowledgeable
4 min readMar 18, 2023

Pigeons have achieved success in a variety of ways. They have one of the largest populations on earth, both in terms of species and individual birds. Like many other species, they don’t limit themselves to just one or two areas. Even now, pigeons have carved out a niche for themselves in society and history. This list of 10 pigeon facts will teach you more about these fascinating creatures.

1 — It’s possible that pigeons were the first domesticated birds.

It’s possible that the ordinary city pigeon (Columba livia), commonly referred to as the rock pigeon, was the first bird ever domesticated by humans. In modern Iraq, they can be seen in artwork from as far back as 4500 BCE, and they have been an important food source for many years.

2 — “Milk” is produced by pigeons.

Of course, they don’t actually produce milk; only mammals are capable of doing so. Yet in terms of being a white liquid with all the vital proteins, lipids, minerals, and antioxidants a newborn bird requires, it is basically the same as milk. The fact that the hormone prolactin controls its synthesis is another similarity between it and mammal milk. Adult pigeons of both sexes generate this milk in their crop. A bird’s esophagus has a small area called the crop that is used to store food and, in this instance, to produce crop milk. Doves, flamingos, and male emperor penguins are the only other species of birds on the list of those that produce crop milk, which also includes pigeons.

3 — Pigeons can perceive maps.

Pigeons possess map or compass abilities that help them detect direction, according to a Nature Journal article. Even from 1,300 miles away, they can locate their way back to the nest. Although this has been a source of contention in other studies, study hypotheses suggest that olfactory or magnetic cues play a role in this. Pigeons were utilized in ancient Greece for national broadcasts and mail delivery because of their mapping skills. According to Andrew Blechman’s book “Pigeons: The Intriguing Saga of the World’s Most Revered and Loathed Bird,” pigeons were employed to convey the outcomes of the initial Olympics in 776 B.C.
Pigeons take less time than horses to deliver messages to the Chinese emperor in Beijing from those other provinces. Thanks to pigeons, Ghengis Khan and his grandson established a pigeon post that was the fastest means to convey communications for thousands of years. The post covered a wide region, possibly as much as one-sixth of the earth.

4 — They are capable of self-recognition.

Pigeons have a rare talent that has been discovered via research: they can recognize themselves. Pigeons are distinctive among birds in this way, making them stand out from the majority of them. Pigeons were used in a mirror test to recognize themselves over a picture of another pigeon, which was used to discover this. One study found that a pigeon’s capacity for self-cognition is greater than that of 3-year-old children. In addition, when seeing photographs of people, pigeons can tell them apart.

5 — Pigeons rarely construct robust nests.

After all, they are merely constructed of wood and other pieces of trash. They also don’t require them for very long because pigeons only lay a maximum of two eggs per nest. Then, it only takes about 18 days for them to hatch. At most, a month passes before the chicks are old enough to fly. When the baby pigeons learn to fly, they depart, followed soon after by the parents. Read More…

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